
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Growing Ghoens: Week 40 Bump Date

We made it to FORTY WEEKS!!

(although clearly I'm writing this AFTER you were born.. but I'll take everyone up to our finallllllll day of you in my belly & THEN I'll share your beautiful birth story!!)

How does it feel like SO long ago, but just yesterday that you were the size of a blueberry in my belly??

Pregnancy, growing a HUMAN, is seriously the most incredible thing I've ever done.. well, besides birthing you!

I've said it so many times, but I'll say it again.
I'm going to miss this experience.
Feeling you grow & develop inside of me has been the greatest gift!
Thank you, Lord for this!!

Sunday, June 11th, was your due date.

We got up, got ready & went to church. Our small group prayed over us & wished us "luck" heading into the week, hoping that the next time they heard from us that we'd be a family of three.

Monday, June 12th, we were 40 + 2.

Your Aunt Tecia was in town for a family beach trip, so I met her & your MiMi for brunch & then went to sit on the beach for a few hours. After that, I came home to workout!!

Tuesday, June 13th, we were 40 + 3.

This was the day of my 40 week appointment with the midwife. I went in for an NST, which is a non-stress test. Basically, the midwife wanted to check on you & I in a very non-invasive way.

They sat me in a recliner for 25 minutes to monitor your heart rate, any movements & potential contractions.

Let's just say your activity was more than I thought.

And when I STOOD up after it was over..


My water broke..

Coming SOON!!

Our birth story.

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