
Closing a Door & Opening Another : The Next Step

does that sound too dramatic? If you watched my stories on IG today (@GracefullyBalanced) you might get it, but that is what this feels like. A revelation.
If you missed it, keep reading!
It feels like going from missing out on where to plug your heart in to suddenly knowing where you can finally invest your talents & make an impact.
Five & a half years ago I started virtual coaching. It came at a time where it was exactly what I needed & I didn’t have a clue. It served a profound purpose & grew with my life through many seasons.
But fast forward to this year-ish of moving to + adjusting to life here on Guam. It’s been of the hardest seasons of my life, without a doubt, for a myriad of reasons. But during this time, i discovered that despite having a deep passion for health & fitness (I mean, I got my CPT last summer y’all so momma still wants to werk), I just couldn’t seem to align my actions & heart with the business anymore. The more God worked in me, the more I shared what I was learning & what I was passionate about — then further away from coaching I shifted. It was an unintentional, but very natural shift. I couldn’t deny it. And I didn’t know what it meant.
I asked God what He would have me do. How do I make this work in a way that is authentic or do i step away? And after time, because HIS time isn’t always ours, He confirmed the next step.
An opportunity that had been sitting in front of me that I hadn’t even considered. Products that I had been using for almost a year for my whole family. People I followed and admired but never considered joining. It’s like when I was supposed to SEE it, I did.
Beachbody got me started in a healthy lifestyle & it was a catalyst of true change in me. It made me realize I believe in network marketing as a legit income source & business opportunity. It was a crucial season that i cherish - it led me here. To this crossroads and a launching point. NOW, Beautycounter is my opportunity to keep moving forward. To keep learning, serving & impacting.
So yeah, it feels like a revelation.
I have butterflies because starting over is scary.
But I have peace like a river because I trust that God brought me here.
Can we be excited together now??
Oh and hey, if it’s not too soon.
My first time customer get 20% off their WHOLE order this month.
Loyalty program customers get a freebie.
Andddd orders over a certain amount get a full sized free product this weekend.
All kinds of free & goodness happening.
Makes me feel like Oprah.
But really, if you read all that.
And you want to support me in this.
If you were a customer or coach before.
And you still want to support me or join me in this.
Thank you.
Just thank you.
All of you.
If you'd like to join the private facebook group where I'll be sharing promos, product announcements, sharing tips & more, click HERE!
*not for current consultants or customers actively working with another consultant*
XO, Lindsey

"So Are You Going to Have Another?"

"are you going to have another yet?"
Who else hears that all the time?

Whether directly from well meaning strangers and friends or that voice inside your head as you scroll past baby 2,3 & beyond baby announcements on Facebook and instagram.

Can a family unit really be complete with "just one?"
Can your heart or body not pause to relish the life of a single child before adding to the mix?

I KNOW I've asked this question before to others.
It's almost one that rolls off the tongue without thought.

And while there's nothing wrong with wondering & asking (if you feel connected to the individual because yes, I don't believe we should be asking these questions to strangers), I DO think how we respond to that mother is important.

We have no clue of their reason for the "wait."
And quite frankly, it's none of our business.

Whether chosen for various very valid reasons - such as dad is ALWAYS gone & mom would like to rear a family together or maybe they'd like to pay off debt or take time to work on their relationships or possibly mom had such horrid pregnancies that wreaked havoc on her body.

Or what if the "decision" was chosen FOR the parent because of something like secondary infertility, not being able to afford the means by which it took them to conceive previously or quite possibly, even, they are "just" content.

I will be very open with where I stand personally & I will also say in the same breath that God is in control and could change my (our) heart at any moment.. as He did back in 2015 when he took our hearts of stone towards children and gave us the desire for a family.

I too feel the self imposed pressure from watching other families unfold in number, reminiscing over my childhood with siblings & even listening to Raegan begin to ask questions about babies. I have to work through that.

I get the questions with follow up questions with encouragement & all the reasons we should "do it" at social events and family gatherings.

I'm there with you.

And while sometimes I feel the "guilt" for my only child who honestly isn't missing out on any love, interaction or community. Or the "guilt" knowing that others are earnestly pleading with God to start a family while I have reservations over growing ours, even though I've BEEN there in that season of waiting & grieving before myself.. aching for a womb that is full. I pray we never experience that again. And I truly am so sensitive to couples who are enduring this season.

I am, however, reminded that I.. Lindsey Ghoens.. in my specific circumstances.. am living out my purpose.

As a child of God & wife.
Then as a mother.
Of one.
And I am walking in obedience as I rest in contentment.

Only He knows what the future holds.
I'm okay with that 

I am 1 in 4

I am 1 in 4.

I’ll never forget the pure, inexplicable happiness when I saw these two pink lines.. a total out of body experience.

It was the culmination of so many feelings and emotions from months of trying, waiting, tracking, stressing & disappointment with each period.

I soaked it in myself. Then shared it with Nate. We were over the moon.

About a month later, those dreams and plans we were building came crashing down as I miscarried our first baby. It was physical & emotional agony. A kind of emptiness & sorrow like I had never experienced before. I felt so alone. I was crushed.

What happened next was a season of leaning into Jesus as we navigated grief & battled fear as we tried again to conceive. I had to come full circle to the deepest belief that even if _____, He is still good & He is faithful.

Without that devastating loss, I wouldn’t have my precious Raegan. And while that doesn’t take away the sadness I still feel when I let my mind & heart reminisce, it does give me peace & the deepest deepest gratitude for my miracle babe.

God alone brings beauty from ashes.
If you are grieving, know you’re not alone.
Your pain and your loss is real.

But the One who made you, can also comfort you in a way that can restore your soul.

Cling to Him, sister!

To read the beginning of my three part series on our miscarriage, click HERE.

Moving Past the Negative Thoughts & Words of Others: I'm Back

why I quit blogging, blogging momma, florida blogger, how to start blogging again, blogging with haters

Hey, friends! It's been a long time since I've written a post like this.
Honestly, I've been MIA for a few months - only recently sharing a post from other social media platforms. My absence hasn't been entirely without good reason. In the past 4+ weeks, we've shipped our entire life to Guam, moved out of our home from the past three years, moved into a small local rental & are coordinating the final pieces of our overseas move next month. BUT, that's not the only reason I've been away.

I've gotta be honest with all of you.. Like I always am here.

While I consider myself to have some fairly thick skin when it comes to the thoughts & words of other people regarding myself, I have STRUGGLED this year with negative comments on my blog posts. While I know that 99% of my readers truly enjoy the content I share here & my heart behind the words I write, the majority of the comments I actually receive on my blog posts are from the 1% of people who don't.

Here's what I've had to really remember as I've prepared myself to come back here & write again.

And I hope that these thoughts will speak to you if you need to hear them for your own reasons!

1. Your life, mess & message is a GIFT to others!

This is MY blog. This is MY place to share my heart. To speak from my own experience. ALWAYS in the hopes of it inspiring, encouraging, empowering & even ministering to the women who need it -- MY people. It's not "self absorbed" to write about my journey here, right? Because the blog name is Lindsey Ghoens. And if I wrote about everyone else's opinions or journeys, it just wouldn't be genuine.

If YOU have a platform in which you've felt compelled or called to share very personal pieces of your life, thoughts or experiences - don't you DARE stop. You have a MESSAGE & story so important to share. Because only YOU have lived your life. And you have NO clue who you are meant to encourage.

So be brave.
Speak & share with purpose.
Even if you don't know yet what it is.

God has given me the amateur gift of writing.
He has loved, redeemed & provided for me.
He's walked me through the many mountains & valleys of my young but full life.
I believe deep in my heart that part of my purpose is to love on & connect with women here.
I'm clinging to that!

2. It's actually about THEM, forgive & see the need

People who have something negative to say here have clearly read something that struck a cord or a nerve.

Ever heard the phrase "hurting people hurt people?"

Well it's true, but here's what I think has happened here..

Hurting or yearning people usually try to knock others down - UNintentionally.
I don't think the people who have come here to criticize me are malicious in any way.
I just think they're have some sort of need in their life. And that's okay. We've ALL been there in some way, at one point or another!

So if you're one of the people who has taken time out of your day in 2018 to write something less than edifying here, know that I'm not angry or upset with you. If you're aching for an inspiring community to be part of, a greater platform to connect with & serve others in your field of health/fitness/nutrition, a way to get consistent in your wellness journey or WHATEVER the case may be -- I am here for YOU.

I remember being in a place a long time ago where I saw the negative & felt overly critical, too. It's not a fun place to be. I'd love to help you brighten that light from within.

3. Check your heart, remember your calling & use it as fuel

There's nothing wrong with a little self reflection.. it's important, actually.

While we should always evaluate the weight of our words & let them leave our mouth (or fingertips) with peace, that's not always the case.

When we receive negative feedback from other, it's important to do a little heart check. Be critical of yourself only for a moment to be sure your motives & intentions are in the right place.

If they are, remember your calling.
Which is to share your life & testimony for the glory of God.
Be resolved.
And let that feedback be your fuel to keep going.
People are giving you feedback, negative included, because they're SEARCHING for something & they FOUND you.
Keep. Going.
Someone needs what you offer!

Okay, that's all for this morning.
My heart is lighter & my fingers are moving swiftly again.

I'd love to know what you'd like to see here on the blog.

Or even about an experience you've had in the past as you moved through hurt & come out the other side amazed at the purpose of it!!

Thanks for reading & for your support,