
Freedom:: My Life by Design

I am 24 years old & working from home.. there are nine words that I never thought I'd put together.


As our we develop as individuals and form our lifestyles, the visions we have for ourselves are constantly changing. A handful of years ago, I was convinced that a bachelors degree from the University of Florida was the only option for me after high school. Now, as a 24 year old military wife with two fur babies and a half finished college degree, my vision couldn't be any different.


For the past few years, I don't REALLY think I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life.. so I accepted whatever came my way and made the best of it. After nannying for a year or so, I started working at a dental office that I stayed at for nearly 4 years. As much as I grew in this position as a young adult, we all know that working an administrative job can cause you to become locked into the confines of business hours and vacation time; these factors, in my life personally, began to dictate the already limited time I had to spend with a hubby who is in and out the door constantly from work-ups, training and deployments. It would have been "easy" to do nothing and adjust accordingly.. that's what we're "supposed" to do, right? My heart wasn't satisfied, I felt like God wanted more for me, and I began to ponder last summer how I could potentially work for myself one day.


In August of 2014, I found out about the opportunity to become a Team Beachbody Coach. I know now that I didn't fully recognize the potential of "coaching", but saw how entrepreneurship was literally changing the course of people's lives and decided I had nothing to lose. I began the process of owning my own business as a health and fitness coach, with absolutely no experience, but was fueled by the desire to improve my own life and the lives of others. I worked at the dental office during the day, and spent my evenings at home on my computer for several hours creating the beginnings of my organization. I lost out on some time with my hubby before he left for Africa in the fall, but maintained my LONG term vision for my life that was developing:: freedom. Freedom of time and resources. The desire to create a MOBILE business that would COMPLIMENT my life, rather than dictating how I live.


After nine months of working both jobs through holidays, deployments, travel, etc., I was able to come HOME just last week to work MY business full time. Maybe it's a little bit of a risk coming home this soon before my income is considered to be significant, but real success REQUIRES a little risk and a lot of sacrifice. I am NO expert in owning/operating my own business. I learn something new, often though error, on a weekly or even daily basis. I'm willing to pick myself up through failures in order to create a life by my own design. A life that will allow Nate and I to one day be debt free. A life that will provide my husband the choice of whether or not he WANTS to finish his career in the Navy. A life that allows me to be present with my kids one day. A life that is CENTERED around giving back to God what is His and being a vessel of BLESSING for others.


Less than a year into my business, I KNOW this is just the beginning for me. BUT, I already have so much to celebrate. Freedom looks a little different for everyone. For me TODAY freedom looks like being able to work on the go when you're traveling with your family to DC for a weekend away. It looks like being a (fur) mom that is able to do more with my little ones on a daily basis. It looks like paying off DEBT- a little bit at a time. It looks like being able to use our resources to bless a family member in need. Ultimately, at this EXACT moment in my life, freedom looks like being able to pick up my husband from deployment without having to stress about it being on a weekday that I would have to coordinate with work. It looks like spending time off to reconnect after 7 months and not stress about using vacation time, because I am in charge of MY schedule.


You don't have to want to come home and quit your day job or career... You just have to want something, a job you don't dread walking into//avoiding a daily commute//endless opportunity for advancement or income//mobile business//the chance to be proud of what you do//an opportunity to change the lives of people around you, bad enough to work HARD and make sacrifices now for LONG term success.


One of my deepest desires it to help people, men and women of various life circumstances, have the same opportunity or greater than I have had. I have been blessed to join a top TEN team ((out of 300,000+)) and have access to vital resources from incredible leaders. I would LOVE to share this with you, IF this business is the right fit for you and/or your family. This is a company with serious integrity that is empowering people like you and me accomplish BIG personal goals by crushing self-doubt and limitations. I am proud and honored to be a Beachbody coach. I am determined to serve others while honoring the Lord. And I am COMMITTED to creating a life by design for my family.


To God be ALL the Glory!

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