
The year I QUIT leggings

Okay, opinions aside with all this ‪#‎leggingsarenotpants‬ talk... let me take you back a to a few years of my life when I LIVED in them all winter long.
After Nate and I got married, I started a slow & steady weight gain.. we'll call it the "newly-wed 15," but honestly it was more like 20 pounds- and on a 5'3" frame that was pretty significant. But this post-white dress, newly wed bliss weight gain is something I think a lot of women can relate to.
I became so ashamed at how I neglected myself that I began to use my clothing to HIDE... the weight... the expanding curves.. and ultimately, my insecurity.
I had tons of pants sitting in my closet that I didn't wear because either they wouldn't fit over my butt/hips (hello, hour glass frame) OR because I was so self conscious about my muffin top. -----> In came the "leggings phase" of my life.... I wore them initially because they were trendy and comfy, but eventually they became my method of concealing & all I wore...
Last fall, I took charge of my health, fitness & over-all wellness.. I made the DECISION to try something different. I was NERVOUS that it would be too hard. I was nervous I would quit. I was nervous I'd waste money. BUT, I needed SO desperately to find my confidence again. I NEEDED to get rid of the sick-to-my-stomach feeling I had on occasion when I was intimate with my husband (keeping it real, girls). I wanted to go in my closet and throw on my PANTS for goodness sake!
So, I got T25 and shakeology, I synced up with a coach and joined an online accountability group. I checked in with my coach every Sunday & STUCK WITH IT for 8 weeks ----> through early morning work outs.. through traveling ... CHOOSING to saying NO to dinner party food and wedding reception snacks and weekend drinks.. I ENVISIONED what sticking with it would look and even FEEL like & that's what fueled me!
Nearly 60 days later, I finished T25/shakeology/healthy eating... and I lost 3.PANT.SIZES. I cried when I tried on pants that STILL didn't fit.. because they were too big. I felt SO healthy, STRONG and confident.. I felt proud of myself ---> and that meant so much to me.
So yes, leggings are great & I wear them [[the right way wink emoticon kidding.. ]].. but I'm not TRAPPED in them.. I'm not HIDING anything..
This may not speak to the masses, but that's okay. My hope is to be a LIGHT of hope and promise to a FEW. You CAN change your circumstances.. and I'd like to help you. Be free, be proud ladies. Love yourself

Click here to learn more about my health & wellness accountability groups!

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