
Refresh: Day Deux

Today marked day TWO of my cleanse using the 3 Day Refresh. I won't lie and say that it's easy peasy, but I WILL say that it is TOTALLY doable and is the perfect length of time for success.
...we can do anything for 3 days, right? 

Today, I decided to utilize the free flavorings more!

Here is a recap of my day:

Breakfast, meal one, consisted of my chocolate shakeology and kiwi.

Breakfast was followed by my hot earl gray, which I enjoyed snuggled up with a warm blanket and devotional, and a fiber sweep shake.

Lunch, meal two, consisted of a vanilla fresh shake (with cinnamon and nutmeg), green grapes (with lemon juice and cinnamon), & cucumber (half with hummus and half with red wine vinegar).

For my third meal, afternoon snack, I had red peppers with hummus that I had sprinkled cayenne pepper on top of!

My fourth and final meal, dinner, was comprised of veggie steam-fry (green beans, carrots, broccoli, olive oil, sea salt and red pepper flakes) with a vanilla fresh shake (added lemon juice- OMG!).

Okay, so you can see here that I added seasoning to almost every meal.. it made a difference in how I enjoyed my food! I made reference to my tip for the vanilla fresh shakes on my Facebook earlier: JALoC.. just add lemon or cinnamon :) What a DIFFERENCE though!

Observations from day two: I feel lighter on my toes.. no bloating.. slight mental fatigue.. do your thing, refresh!

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